Monday, July 13, 2009

Whither the Shill?

My diligence in amassing points from Team McCain was as fruitful for me as the candidate's negative campaign ads were for him. Not even a bumper sticker!

So I'm applying my shill for points skills in a new arena: music (specifically social network music promotion via ).

When someone clicks on a music link from my lala page or embedded lala widget (NURSE: "Doctor, come quickly. The patient seems to have an embedded lala widget."), I get a point. Users who get a lot of points are designated as "influencers." I've yet to discover what influencers get (besides social network moxy), but stay tuned.

And now, my first embedded lala widget, a playlist of Swedish pop songs:

List of songs (reviews to follow soon):
"Long Lost Penpal" by Hello Saferide, featuring Firefox aK
"A Postcard for Nina" by Jens Lekman
"Vänerhavet" by Detektivbyrån
"Surprised" by Montt Mardié and Andreas Mattsson
"We're All Going to Die" by The Animal Five
"Färjemansleden" by Vapnet
"Catalogue of Failures" by TIAC
"Tjernobyl (Repris)" by Vapnet
"Sanningsdan" by Säkert
"Overdosing with You" by Billie The Vision And The Dancers
"Airport" by Like Honey
"Arjeplog" by Hello Saferide
"Friday Night At The Drive-In Bingo" by Jens Lekman
"Leaving You Behind" by Hello Saferide

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