Monday, July 14, 2008

Ahmed Enters the Blogosphere

I recently discovered that I could earn points by posting a message on any of several blogs (both conservative and liberal). I'll have to refer Team McCain to my post, and if they deem it worthy, I'll earn some points (more on that in the next post).

I chose and the editorial "We must boost domestic energy production now" by Representative Joe Barton of Texas (wonder what side he's on) for my comment. Here's the text of my message:

As a member of the Team McCain Coalition on Energy Alternatives, I wholeheartedly agree that domestic drilling is a necessary step in reducing dependence on other countries for our energy needs. It's not like ANWR is a national park where people go camping and hunting anyway.

But I think as this tv ad from Senator McCain's website points out, we must also consider alternative energy sources like wind power.

Unfortunately no one wants windmills in their backyard (the old "NIMBY" problem), so I propose a bold solution: why don't we locate windmills in the ANWR region and off-shore? Besides solving the nimby issue, these remote clean sources will provide power more quickly than drilling alone (liberals are fond of pointing out that oil from ANWR won't make it to the domestic market for at least five years, but the wind power would be available almost immediately). There's no reason we couldn't forge on with drilling AND use alternative sources like wind power and nuclear power in these remote locations, thereby reducing our dependency on foreign oil all the more quickly.

I used Ahmed as my username when I signed on at RedState. I'll post any replies to my message (they're pretty good at spotting trolls there; hopefully I'll pass undetected). Permalink for my RedState comment

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