Friday, July 18, 2008

Ahmed Takes on the Kos

I still haven't heard if I'll receive any points for my comment on the conservative blog, RedState, but that hasn't deterred me (or rather Ahmed) from diving feet first into the treacherous waters of the liberal blog, The Daily Kos. My goal was to create post that would seem pro-McCain to Team McCain, but be so ambiguous that the Kos readers wouldn't know what to make of it. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if the Kossacks couldn't take a joke. While I tend to agree with most people there politically, they are on the whole a dour, humorless bunch, prone more to self-congratulation than to persuasion.

Here's the text of my comment. It's a reply to a Post "How to Win Wars for Dummies" by John McCain, which consists mainly of McCain's less intelligent remarks about the conduct of the Iraq and Afghanistan War. I respond by citing McCain's recent proposal for winning the war in Afghanistan.


McCain's Plan: The Truth

Senator McCain has presented his strategy for winning the war in Afghanistan, and it's not a plan for dummies (the dummies are the ones too dumb to understand it): John McCain's Comprehensive Strategy for Victory in Afghanistan

Here are the main points in bold (for the dummies too lazy to read the full text), plus my commentary (in not bold):

"John McCain Will Work With Our Allies To Ensure Unity Of Command In Afghanistan."
Senator McCain points out that there are three U.S. command centers in Afghanistan, not to mention NATO commanders. A unified command structure under a strong central leader will improve effectiveness.

"John McCain Will Appoint An Afghanistan Czar To Ensure Commanders Have What They Need To Win."
Currently we have a War Czar. Senator McCain proposes a second Czar just for Afghanistan. Now I realize two Czars at the same time sounds like a contradiction in terms, so I propose a third Czar, a "Super Czar" to oversee the War Czar and the Afghanistan Czar."

"John McCain Supports Sending At Least Three Additional Brigades To Afghanistan."
Senator McCain points out that we can increase troop strength in Afghanistan simply by redeploying the troops no longer needed in Iraq (thanks to the successful surge there). And having served so long in Iraq without a break, these troops will be glad for a change of scenery.

"John McCain Will Double The Size Of The Afghan Military."
Senator McCain suggests that our allies should pay for the cost of the extra Afghan military, and this is a great point. Everyone benefits from peace in this region, especially our allies in the Middle East, and they should be willing to pay accordingly.

"John McCain Will Increase Our Non-Military Assistance To The Afghan Government."
Senator McCain points out that we must fund the Afghan government adequately so that they can grow crops other than narcotics. Where will this money come from? I believe that by increasing fines for drug trafficking here in the U.S., we will not only gain revenue to cover assistance to the Afghan government, but we will also increase the cost of drugs, and (as has been the case with oil) cause drug users to cut back or perhaps (as has not been the case with oil) even quit using drugs altogether. What alternative crops should be grown in Afghanistan? Perhaps corn, which can be used to create ethanol, thereby further reducing our need for foreign oil.

"John McCain Will Enhance Our Regional Diplomatic Efforts By Appointing A Special Presidential Envoy."
I know what you're thinking, "Aren't we creating a big government mess in Afghanistan, just as the Democrats have here in the United States?" But this envoy will be only one person, who can, to quote Senator McCain's plan, "turn Afghanistan from a theater for regional rivalries into a commons for regional cooperation." And by eliminating rivalries, we can decrease the number of advisers that we call in to resolve such rivalries. Furthermore, this envoy's salary can be paid with the profits from Afghanistan's ethanol profits.

"As Part Of This Regional Strategy, John McCain Will Put Special Focus On Pakistan."
As a Pakistani-American (and a member of Team McCain's Muslims for McCain Coalition), I am especially encouraged by this special focus. A free Pakistan, led by a democratically-elected civilian government, is essential for Middle East peace.

Thus, in his bold plan I think John McCain has shown that he does know how to win wars (whether he uses my humble suggestions or not). Winning wars isn't for dummies (and we've had our share in the White House)--it's for intelligent, brave men like Senator John McCain.


I'll keep you posted on how the Kossers respond to my little attempt at adding some levity to the proceedings there.

Permalink for Ahmed's comment on the Kos

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